Wednesday, April 24, 2019

LIVESTREAM RECAP - April 24, 2019

** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for APRIL 24, 2019 **


Sorry it took me so long to release this week’s Recap, everybody.  One of my parents is in the hospital, so I had to put my family first and delay the Recap for a few hours.  Thank you all for being patient.  :-)


(REMINDER:  I am posting all of my future Recaps on my blog at Feel free to copy my LiveStream Recaps directly from my blog and share them with anyone you think might want to read them.  Thank you for reading!)



This week’s Event is called ALLFATHER RETURNS.  It is a CONQUEST EVENT.  

It will begin on FRIDAY, APRIL 26 and run until MONDAY, APRIL 29.  

Just like every Conquest Event, during this Conquest Event you will receive three guaranteed Battle Drops (also known as “Triple Rewards”) after each successful attack.

Titan Details:

This week’s Event features the return of ODIN, the 4* Lightning Ranger.  ODIN’s Skills have been given a boost compared to his original version.  His self-boosting Special Skill in Slot 1 is the same, but his other Skills are greatly improved.  Odin now has two guaranteed Archer Offensive X Skills, a very large boost to his Titan Damage (equivalent to a Titan Damage X Skill), a Titan Critical Tier II Skill, a Storm Maiden Critical Tier II Skill and a big increase to the Storm Maiden Damage he grants (equivalent to a Storm Maiden Damage X Skill).

Slot 1:  +20% Base Titan Health, Armor, Attack Speed AND Attack Radius
Slot 2:  Archer Offensive X Skill (Either +225% Damage OR +110% Armor Piercing)
Slot 3:  +36% Titan Critical AND +18% Storm Maiden Critical
Slot 4:  Archers Offensive X Skill (Whichever is NOT in Slot 2)
Slot 5:  +180% Titan Lightning Damage AND +180% Storm Maiden Damage

ODIN is one of the Rewards granted for competing Corrupted Land Level 10 of the Conquest Event.

Top Rewards available in this Event include:

Corrupted Land Level 7:  10 Warp Stones, 700 Gems, Warp Token, 4* Cape of Aesir
Level 8:  10 Warp Stones, Epic Token, Warp Token, THORHILD (4* Titan)
Level 9:  10 Warp Stones, 150 Divine Gems, 1,800 Gems, 4* Gungnir, 4* Yggdrasil Bow
Level 10: 10 Warp Stones, 4* Storm Ring, 4* Head of Mimir, 250 Divine Gems, ODIN (4* Titan)

Corrupted Bonus Levels (each Level completed beyond Level 10) will grant one Echo of War.  You can trade in a single Echo of War at the Temple for a chance at a 4* Relic (including Doom Pauldrons, Tainted Heart, Dionysus’ Amphora, Vial of Tears, Yggdrasil Bow and others), or you can trade in four Echoes of War for a chance at a 4* Titan (including Artemis, Athena, Odin, Valorn, Dionysus and others).

(See for full details on the above Relics).

It is an INDIVIDUAL LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as a Solo War Event); prizes will be awarded to all Players in an according to their Individual/Solo Ranking at the end of the Event.

Top Ranking Rewards in this Event include:

1st Place:  Level 50 Odin
2nd Place:  Level 40 Odin
3rd Place:  Level 30 Odin
Top 4-5:  Level 25 Odin
Top 6-10:  L20 Odin
11-50:  L15 Odin
51-100:  L10 Odin
101-250:  L5 Odin
251-500:  L1 Odin
501-1000:  4* Sword of Deceit

(More Rewards are available below Rank 1000).



Question (Q) from a Player:  Can we get some Egyptian God Titans?
Answer (A) from a Developer:  Maybe.  They sound cool.  Don’t know much about them to be honest, but maybe.

Q:  How about Indian Gods?
A:  We’re looking into it, but since some of the Indian Gods are living its a bit tricky.  We want to be respectful.  That’s why “Zhu Bajie”’s name was changed to “Pigsy” - we want to steer clear of offending anyone, and we got some complaints about it so we changed it before the Event.

Q:  And Aztec Gods?
A:  Yeah, those are cool too.  We’ll see.

Q:  Chinese Gods?
A:  We’ve done some Chinese themed Titans..  there will be more.

Q:  Will Warp Tokens from this Event carry over to the next Conquest Event?
A:  Yes.  Warp Tokens (which grant Warp Cores) will carry over to the next Conquest Event.  Echoes of War, however, are only good for the Event they are earned in and will NOT carry over - so make sure you use them up either before the Event ends or immediately after.  

Q:  When are Omega Spearmen coming?
A:  “I don’t know!”  “Pretty soon!”

Q:  Will we ever see a “Titan Ascension” feature, like the old one from years ago?
A:  No, we won’t be bringing anything like that back.

Q:  Will there be a Titan Fusion Event next week?
A:  No, not next week - BUT there will be one the week after!  (Note from SteelSpine:  That would be sometime around May 6 or 7, I think).

Q:  Can you make a special 5* Relic that can ONLY be used by “Generation 1” Titans?  (Note:  the person asking this is referring to older Titans who do not have X Skills or Summoning Skills).
A:  That’s a solid idea!  We really like that.  What we will say right now is that we can finally confirm there are definitely new 5* Relics coming.

Q:  Will Kronos appear again soon?
A:  Kronos will return.  We can’t really say much about it right now because it’s tied into some other things we’re doing, but he will be back.



The “Elemental Grasp” Relic (the winning Relic from the Design A Relic Competition) will be included in an Event sometime in the next two weeks.  The Devs said they plan to have the players to vote on which Daily Events they’d like to see in the game that week, as well.

The Devs *strongly* hinted at the possibility of a “Design A Titan” contest sometime in the future.

The Devs said they “can’t get into specifics right now”, but that they are “currently working on some things” that will make the next few months “awesome, awesome, awesome”.  No idea what that’s supposed to mean, but they said next week’s LiveStream would be important and the LiveStream “a couple of weeks after that will be massive”.  They also said to keep an eye on DoT’s Social Media channels.



MONDAY:  There will be another 24-hour-long Daily Event.  No further information, but 24-hour Events are typically something small (like discounts on refreshing Neutral Lands).

TUESDAY:  There will be a Theaters of War Event.  The Devs said it will be a “special” and “Greek themed”.  There will also be an “Altars of Plenty” Temple Event running at the same time as the Theaters of War.

THURSDAY:  There will be a “big time Alliance Leaderboard Event” (those are the Devs words, not mine).  No further information regarding what Titan will be in next week’s Event - but it will almost certainly be Greek-themed.

TWO WEEKS FROM NOW:  There will be a Titan Fusion Event (presumably sometime around May 6/7).



YouTube:  Sean (Shawn/Shaun?) Hilton

YouTube:  Eric Collin

(No Facebook winner this week due to the Stream being broken on Facebook).

(Note from SteelSpine:  I am sorry for any misspellings above - the Devs announce the names, but they don’t show them written out.  If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please contact the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize.  Congratulations!!)


That’s it for this week’s LiveStream.  If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).  

Feel free to share the info from this Recap with anyone who might find it helpful.  If you edit or cut out pieces to share, I’d appreciate it if you gave me credit.  :-)

As of right now (April 2019), the easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game.  You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 38 one, as of April 2019).  

YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG.  The address is Feel free to copy the Recaps directly from my blog and share them to whoever you think would like to read them.  :-)

Thanks for reading!  :-)



Recap will be posted a few hours later than normal today.

Hi, all!

Just wanted to let everybody know:  I’m dealing with a family emergency right now (my elderly Mom is in a hospital Intensive Care Unit), so the Recap will be a bit late.  I’m pretty sure I’ll have a couple of free hours tonight, so I’ll be able to type it up later on.  

Check back here around 9:00 pm EDT today (April 24th) - I’m pretty sure I’ll have it posted by then.  I know a lot of people depend on The Recap, so I WILL get it done tonight.  I’m really sorry about the delay - thanks for being patient!  :-)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

LIVESTREAM RECAP - April 17, 2019

** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for APRIL 17, 2019 **


(REMINDER:  I am posting all of my future Recaps on my blog at Feel free to copy my LiveStream Recaps directly from my blog and share them with anyone you think might want to read them.  Thank you for reading!)



This week’s Event is called SHATTERED RAGE.  It will begin on THURSDAY, APRIL 18 and run until TUESDAY, APRIL 23.  (Note from SteelSpine:  The Devs said the reason this Event has a high Soul cost is because it is one day longer than usual.  And if you believe that, I’ve got a beautiful bridge you might be interested in buying).  :-)

Titan Details:

This week’s Event features MAWROK, the 4* Earth (Ragnar) Berserker.  Mawrok boosts Goliaths (with a Tier II Goliath Defense Skill and two Goliath X Skills) and Storm Maidens (with two Storm Maiden Offensive X Skills).

Slot 1:  Goliath Defensive Tier II
Slot 2:  Storm Maiden Offense X Skill (Either +180% Damage or +88% Armor Piercing)
Slot 3:  Goliath X Skill
Slot 4:  Storm Maiden Offensive X Skill (whichever is not in Slot 2)
Slot 5:  Goliath X Skill

Mawrok is available for 17k Souls.

New Relics available in this Event:  

4* Mawrok’s Buckle (available at 19k Souls)
+ Titan Earth Damage
+ Goliath Ice Resist
+ Goliath Physical Resist

4* Mawrok‘s Necklace (available at 21k Souls)
+ Goliath Lightning Resist
+ Storm Maiden Damage
+ Storm Maiden Armor Piercing

(Note from SteelSpine:  The Devs did not show upgraded versions of the new Relics during this week’s Stream, so I can’t report the numbers to you guys.  Sorry for the lack of details!)

Top Rewards available in this Event include:

Epic Token at 8k Souls.
4* Titan’s Soul (Titan XP Relic) at 9k Souls.
4* Earthbreaker at 10k Souls.
4* Orb of Wealth at 12k Souls.
Urdred (4* Titan) at 13k Souls.
4* Urdred’s Jade at 15k Souls.
4* Heartstone at 16k Souls.
MAWROK at 17k Souls.
4* Jade Statue at 18k Souls.
4* Mawrok’s Buckle at 19k Souls.
350 Divine Gems at 20k Souls.
4* Mawrok’s Necklace at 21k Souls.

(See for full details on the above Relics).

1.3x Soul Bonus for using Morgar, Vuldan, Grulgar or Skolnar.
1.2x Soul Bonus for using any 4* Earth Titan.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using any other Ragnar Titan.

It is an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as an Alliance War Event); prizes will be awarded to all Players in an Alliance according to their Alliance Ranking at the end of the Event.

Top Alliance Ranking Rewards in this Event:

1st Place:  Level 30 Mawrok
2nd Place:  Level 25 Mawrok
3rd Place:  Level 20 Mawrok
Top 4-5:  L15 Mawrok
Top 6-10:  L10 Mawrok
11-50:  L5 Mawrok
51-100:  L1 Mawrok
101-250:  4k Gems
251-500:  3k Gems
(More Rewards are available below the Top 500).



Question (Q) from a Player:  Why don’t Relics that provide a Soul Boost - like Auria’s Relic - provide a boost to Event Relics?
Answer (A) from a Developer:  That’s by design.  They are meant to provide a boost to the base value of a Titan, NOT to provide a boost to the overall total.  “Maybe if that’s a bit confusing we can change the text”.  (Note from SteelSpine:  OF COURSE it’s confusing.  If you don’t watch the Streams or read the Recaps you would have no clue that those Relics don’t boost the full total.  Why not just have them give +3 Souls per battle or whatever?  Having it say “+20% Souls from Battle” is more than a little misleading).

Q:  Any updates coming to the Pantheon?
A:  We have plans to add more collections, yes.  It’s in the backlog of work at the moment.  You might see one sooner than the rest, but we plan on doing a few new collections there.

Q:  When are new League Rewards coming?
A:  We plan to release them in Version 1.32.

Q:  How about letting us upgrade more than one Troop or Spell at a time?
A:  No plans for that at the moment.

Q:  When is the next Fusion Event?
A:  “Uhm, off the top of my head - it’s not next week”.  “There will be another one soon, but it’s not next week”.

Q:  Plans to increase Relic storage?
A:  “We are looking into it”.  “The braintrust has told me not to say things are difficult, so I won’t say it’s difficult”.  “We don’t have an update on changing that - or Titan storage - anytime soon”.

Q:  Are you still working on a new Troop type?
A:  “I have said in the past that Storm Maidens are not the last Troop type.  I’d like to say more, but I’m not allowed”.

Q:  When will the next Conquest Event be?
A:  Next week.

Q:  Will Land Anchoring be coming back?
A:  No.  We took a lot of feedback and made the decision not to bring it back for the foreseeable future.

Q:  Any new Poison Titans coming?
A:  Yes.  “There are new Titans for every Element coming”.

Q:  What happened to the special Forging Relics (which give a boost to Forging XP)?
A:  They are still coming.  Probably in Version 1.33.

Q:  Will we ever see a higher Castle Level than 25?
A:  That’s something we have not talked about.  Is that something you guys want?  Let us know.

Q:  Are Omega Spearmen coming this month?
A:  (Note from SteelSpine:  The Devs did not actually answer this question.  Matt and Dom just kind of looked at each other wryly and Dom shrugged his shoulders.  I’m not sure how to interpret that, but it would SEEM TO ME like they were hinting that the Omega Spearmen Titan will come out sometime near the end of the month or the beginning of next month.  That is ONLY A GUESS on my part, though).

Q:  New 5* Relics coming?
A:  “We are working on new 5* Relics.  I think we can say that”.

Q:  Any changes coming to the Divine Gem Altars coming soon?
A:  Yes, we have plans for new Titans at the Divine Altars.  That’s all we can say.



The Devs mentioned that they turned on the Kingdom Rush Event today (Wednesday, April 17) specifically because of the insane battle going on in Legends.  (They actually said “because of the heated battles going on in the upper leagues” - but we all know what they meant).

Version 1.31 is live for all devices now.  Make sure you download it - you’ll need the latest version for this week’s Event.

All of the changes discussed in last week’s LiveStream (including capped Ranged Resist and Melee Resist, Shield Spell & Rage Spell buffs, a fix for “suicidal Maidens” and the Shadowdancer/Shadowweaver conversion) have now gone live.

The Devs said we will hear more about the winning Relic from the Design-A-Relic Competition “in a week or two”.  They said they can’t say much more about it now, but they have a plan for it that “ties in nicely with something we are working on”.



TUESDAY:  There will be a “Spell Frenzy” Event (reduced cost/times for Spells).

WEDNESDAY:  There will be some sort of a Temple Event.

THURSDAY?:  Next week’s regularly scheduled Event will be a CONQUEST EVENT.  No further details, other than the Devs calling it a “special Conquest”.



YouTube:  The Mad Hatter

Facebook:  Gio Tatalashfi

(Note from SteelSpine:  I am sorry for any misspellings above - the Devs announce the names, but they don’t show them written out.  If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please contact the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize.  Congratulations!!)


That’s it for this week’s LiveStream.  If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).  

Feel free to share the info from this Recap with anyone who might find it helpful.  If you edit or cut out pieces to share, I’d appreciate it if you gave me credit.  :-)

As of right now (April 2019), the easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game.  You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 38 one, as of April 2019).  

YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG.  The address is Feel free to copy the Recaps directly from my blog and share them to whoever you think would like to read them.  :-)

Thanks for reading!  :-)



RECAP - September 28, 2020 (Zabava)

  ** SteelSpine’s RECAP for SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 ** XXXXX XXXXX Hey, all!    I’m sorry for my long absence...