** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for APRIL 10, 2019 **
(REMINDER: I am posting all of my future Recaps on my blog at
https://steelspinesdot.blogspot.com. Feel free to copy my LiveStream Recaps directly from my blog and share them with anyone you think might want to read them. Thank you for reading!)
This week’s Event is called FROST BOUND. It will begin on THURSDAY, APRIL 11 and run until MONDAY, APRIL 15.
Titan Details:
This week’s Event features the return of TRITOS and MATARUS - both of which have been updated and RESKILLED for this Event.
TRITOS is a 4* Elithen (Ice) Champion.
Slot 1: Imperials Armor X Skill (+88% Imperials Armor), +3 Freeze Spells
Slot 2: Titan Defensive Tier II
Slot 3: Titan Offensive Tier II
Slot 4: Titan Defensive Tier III
Slot 5: Titan Offensive X Skill
Tritos is available for 11k Souls.
MATARUS is a 4* Elithen (Ice) Paladin.
Matarus’ NEW SKILLS:
Slot 1: Titan Defensive Tier II
Slot 2: Titan Dual Resist (44% Poison + 44% Another Element)
Slot 3: Titan Defensive Tier II
Slot 4: Titan Dual Resist (44% Fire + 44% Another Element)
Slot 5: Titan Defensive X Skill
Matarus is available for 16k Souls.
Top Rewards available in this Event include:
Epic Token at 10k Souls.
Tritos at 11k Souls.
4* Frost Shield at 12k Souls.
4* Snowboots at 14k Souls.
4* Orb of Justice at 15k Souls.
Matarus at 16k Souls.
4* Banner of Frost at 17k Souls.
500 Divine Gems at 18k Souls.
4* Spartan Helm at 19k Souls.
(See dotdatabase.net for full details on the above Relics).
1.3x Soul Bonus for using Delphira.
1.2x Soul Bonus for using any 4* Ice Titan.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using any 3* Ice Titan.
It is an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as an Alliance War Event); prizes will be awarded to all Players in an Alliance according to their Alliance Ranking at the end of the Event.
Top Alliance Ranking Rewards in this Event include:
The Top 100 Alliances will receive Divine Gems.
1st Place: 5,000 Divine Gems
2nd Place: 3,000 Divine Gems
3rd Place: 2,500 Divine Gems
Top 4-5: 2,000 Divine Gems
Top 6-10: 1,000 Divine Gems
11-50: 750 Divine Gems
51-100: 500 Divine Gems
(Other rewards are available below the top 100.)
Question (Q) from a Player: When will we see new Relic filtering features for the Relic Inventory?
Answer (A) from a Developer: We are currently working on new additions to Relic filtering. We might include it in version 1.32 or 1.33 - it depends on how long it takes to finish.
Q: Have you consulted players regarding upcoming League changes?
A: Yes, we have used player feedback when determining what to do with the Leagues. We have nothing to announce right now, but there will be changes coming soon.
Q: Please allow forging and fusing more than four Relics and Titans at the same time.
A: We would like to make changes to the system, but unfortunately it would be very difficult to increase the number of Relics and Titans you can Forge and Fuse away for multiple reasons. We are looking into making other improvements, though.
Q: Can you get rid of the animation if you Forge more than one time?
A: The problem is the animation is there for a reason. There is a lot going on “behind the scenes” during that animation (including anti-cheating features) - which is why it’s there. So there isn’t any way we could get rid of it, unfortunately. Sorry.
Q: A “most recently used” filter for Relics would be very, very helpful.
A: That is definitely one of the one’s we’re working on. Not sure if that’s one of the ones coming in the next update or not, but it’s on the list.
Q: Is the Design A Relic contest finished?
A: Yes. We’re working on the artwork right now - you should see it in an Event “very, very soon”. Maybe after Version 1.32.
Q: Any update on Throne Wars?
A: We’ll have an update on Throne Wars soon. That’s all we can say.
Q: We need a new Greek Gods II Pantheon Collection.
A: “Yeah, you’re right. We need an update to the Pantheon”.
Q: Please fix the “circling Titans” bug.
A: We’re still working on that.
Q: Please change “War Unleashed” Events so we can hit ALL of the Monuments, not just one.
A: Yes, we are looking into more improvements to the next “War Unleashed”. We added guaranteed 3x drops in the last one, but we would like to do something like what you mentioned. Maybe not exactly that, but there are changes coming.
Q: Can we add our own Avatars?
A: We talked about this before - that isn’t possible because some people will add inappropriate images to their Avatar. We do have more new Avatars coming soon, though - “hopefully maybe in next week’s LiveStream”.
Q: How about a Titan XP storage system?
A: We are looking into some sort of an “Overspill” System for Titan Experience. No news on that right now, but yes - we are considering it.
Q: Titan swaps between players?
A: It’s a great idea, but I don’t think we’ll do something like that anytime soon. (Note: The Devs have said in the past that this is a “hard NO” due to the possibility of cheating).
Q: Relic Forging Event, please!!
A: We are looking into doing something like that. Matt (the lead Developer) isn’t here this week, but he can explain our ideas when he comes back next week.
Q: Will players who did not use their Greek God Relic Token (from the Zeus Event) have a chance to spend them in the future?
A: Unfortunately if you don’t use those Tokens during (or just after) a particular Event they won’t carry over. Sorry about that. Please remember to redeem them in the future. (Note from SteelSpine: Somebody mentioned in the comments that these special Tokens reappear during future Events. The Devs said that has been true for Conquest Tokens in the past, but it won’t always be the case - especially for special one-time Events like Zeus).
Q: When is Thor coming back?
A: “Uhm, not sure actually. He will be back, but not anytime soon”.
Q: Can we have new Campaign or Adventurer’s Guild missions?
A: No plans to introduce new Levels for either of those right now, but there might be something in the future.
There is a new Blog post on DoT’s official website concerning Version 1.31. You can find a link to the Blog on DoT’s official Facebook and Twitter pages (or you can Google “Dawn of Titans Blog”). Here are the main points:
Version 1.31 has begun rolling out to Android players, and it should be released to all players beginning sometime next week. Major changes in v1.31 will include the following.
RANGED RESIST and MELEE RESIST CHANGES: Ranged and Melee Resist will now be CAPPED. Ranged resistance will be capped at 95%. Melee Resist will be capped at 80%. This is being done to address issues with some Titans being completely invulnerable to Melee or Ranged attacks.
5* BERSERKER RELIC CHANGES: The old 5* Shadowdancer Relic WILL BE REINTRODUCED into the Divine Gem Altar. The 5* Shadowweaver WILL BE REMOVED from the Divine Gem Altar. ALL PLAYERS WHO CURRENTLY HAVE THE 5* SHADOWWEAVER RELIC WILL HAVE THEIR SHADOWWEAVER CHANGED INTO A 5* SHADOWDANCER (Shadowdancer is the more powerful Relic, which was removed months ago from the Divine Altar to prevent more Players from gaining 100% Ranged Resistant Titans). Note: The “updated” 5* Shadowdancer has +95% Ranged Resist, +44%-60% Titan Health and +32%-48% Titan Damage.
PERMANENT SPELL CHANGES: Rage Spell and Shield Spell will be made stronger, but will last for a shorter period of time. Rage Spell’s Radius and Damage Multiplier will be increased by 100%, but its duration will be reduced by -50%. Shield Spell’s Damage Absorption and Radius will be increased by 100%, but its duration will be reduced by -50%. In addition, Poison Cloud Spells will be given a +40% Damage boost.
STORM MAIDEN AI IMPROVEMENTS: Storm Maidens will now choose targets that are closer to themselves. They will no longer choose targets which are further away from their current position. The Devs said this should help to fix the “suicidal Maidens” issue. They asked for feedback from the players once this change goes live (presumably to ensure it is working properly and to ensure it hasn’t introduced a new problem with the AI).
WHAT’S NEXT beyond Version 1.31:
The Devs said there will be new Titans coming in the next few months (obviously). They also confirmed that there will be a Titan coming sometime in the next few months that will Summon OMEGA SPEARMEN.
There will be improvements to Spells on Defense (most likely coming in Version 1.32). No further information about what these improvements will be.
There will also be League Reward and League System changes “coming soon”. No further details on what those changes will be, but we know for sure that they will include changes to end-of-Season League Rewards.
There will be a Relic Festival (Temple Event, presumably) sometime next week “to celebrate Easter”, including “some new Relics”.
Version 1.31 should “hopefully go live on both Android and Apple devices sometime next week”. The Devs said it has already begun to roll out for Android devices (as of Wednesday morning).
The Devs said next week’s regularly scheduled Event would be “pretty good” and would feature a “new Titan”.
YouTube: KU79
Facebook: Ever Azzazul
(Note from SteelSpine: I am sorry for any misspellings above - the Devs announce the names, but they don’t show them written out. If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please contact the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize. Congratulations!!)
That’s it for this week’s LiveStream. If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).
Feel free to share the info from this Recap with anyone who might find it helpful. If you edit or cut out pieces to share, I’d appreciate it if you gave me credit. :-)
As of right now (April 2019), the easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game. You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 38 one, as of April 2019).
YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG. The address is https://steelspinesdot.blogspot.com. Feel free to copy the Recaps directly from my blog and share them to whoever you think would like to read them. :-)
Thanks for reading! :-)
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