Wednesday, June 12, 2019

LIVESTREAM RECAP - June 12, 2019 (Firestryke)

** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for JUNE 12, 2019 **




This week’s Event is called FIRE & BLOOD.  It will begin on THURSDAY, JUNE 13 (around 3:00 pm BST) and run until MONDAY, JUNE 17.

Titan Details:

This week’s Event features FIRESTRYKE, the Fire Ranger.  FIRESTRYKE has a few unique Skills - as shown below.  She is also the first Titan with a “floating” animation; that is, she appears to float across the battlefield rather than walk.

Slot 1:  +36% Titan Damage, +36% Human Troop Damage, +30% All Fire Spells Damage (Fireball and Meteor Strike)
Slot 2:  +Human Troop Armor OR Health
Slot 3:  +180% Grenadiers Damage, +3 Fireball Spells
Slot 4:  +Human Troop Armor Piercing OR Damage
Slot 5:  +88% Grenadier Armor Piercing, +2 Missiles Per Fireball

NOTE:  The Skill in Slot 5 makes it so every time you cast the Fireball Spell it shoots three Fireballs at your target, rather than one.

ALSO:  The version of Firestryke shown by the Devs had +80% Human Troop Armor in Slot 2 and +80% Human Troop Armor Piercing in Slot 4.  The Devs said she can also roll Human Troop Health in Slot 2 and/or Human Troop Damage in Slot 4, but they did not say what the numbers would be for those Skills.

FIRESTRYKE is available for 18k Souls.

New Relics available in this Event:  

4* Molten Core
+ All Troop Health
+ Grenadiers Critical
+ Titan and Army Resist Against Fire

4* Mindfyre
+ Titan and Army Fire Damage
+ Fireball Spell Damage
+ Grenadiers Armor Piercing

(Note:  The Devs did not show an upgraded version of either of these Relics, so I don’t have numbers to share).

Top Rewards available in this Event include:

4* Flame Volley at 7k Souls
4* Banner of Flame at 9k Souls
150 Divine Gems at 10k
4* Mace of Kings at 11k
KORTHAN (4* Titan) at 12k
4* Drake Scales at 15k
300 Divine Gems at 16k
4* Doomfire at 17k
4* Molten Core at 19k Souls
4* Mindfyre at 20k Souls

(See for full details on the above Relics and Titans).

1.4x Soul Bonus for using THORG.
1.3x Soul Bonus for using DRAKOR, HALZIR, SARKON or FREYA.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using any 3* or 4* Fire or Physical Titan.

It is an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as an Alliance War Event); prizes will be awarded to all Players in an Alliance according to their Alliance Ranking at the end of the Event.

Top Ranking Rewards in this Event:

1st Place:  Level 40 Firestryke
2nd Place:  L35
3rd Place:  L30
Top 4-5:  L25
Top 6-10:  L20
11-50:  L10
51-100:  L1 Firestryke
101-250:  4k Gems

Other Ranking Rewards (Gems) are available below 250th Place.



Question (Q) from a Player:  Are you still working on Relic Storage?
Answer (A) from a Developer:  Yes.  Hopefully we will have some details for you soon - maybe next week.

Q:  Can you please put the 4* Wild Arrows Relic in an Event?
A:  “Um.  It’s one of the old ones.  Uh.  We may have to, umm, ...”  “Maybe.  We’ll consider it”.  (Note from SteelSpine:  It *sounded like* Haig was about to say “we may have to change it first”, or something like that - so I’m not very hopeful about the Wild Arrows making it back into an Event any time soon, unfortunately.  The Devs did seem to leave the door open to the possibility of bringing it back, though..)

Q:  When is Kronos coming back?
A:  “um.  Sometime.”  “He will be back, yes”.

Q:  What are you doing about hacking Alliances winning Seasons?
A:  Anyone who was effected by this should be getting compensated soon, if you haven’t already.  With the increased activity due to the Reward changes, we are seeing a lot of hackers coming in.  We are working on reducing it at the moment.

Q:  When will we be able to upgrade multiple Troops at once?
A:  We have no plans for that currently, but it might change in the future.

Q:  Are the Greek Gods done?
A:  “No comment”.

Q:  Are more Egyptians on the way?
A:  Yes.

Q:  When is the next Event where we can use all of our old, leftover Boost Relics?
A:  Not next week, but we have one coming up soon.

Q:  Will Elemental Grasp come back in an Event?
A:  Yes, at some point.

Q:  Why don’t you ban entire Alliances who are found to have cheated?
A:  Because not everyone in an Alliance cheats.

Q:  Will you put Corrupted Troops into the game - not just in Conquest?
A:  We have talked about it, yeah - but right now we’re focused on other things.

Q:  What other changes are being considered for the Epic Altar?  The current changes are underwhelming.
A:  We’re going to try out a few things, but we’re taking it slow.  We still want you guys to give us feedback about the new L20-30 Altar.  Please contact us!

Q:  Why not get rid of 2* Titans at the Epic Altar?  8k Gems is not worth it for a 2*.
A:  That’s good feedback.  If you guys think we should do that, let us know.

Q:  It would be nice to see how much time an attacker took on your Garrison.
A:  We’ve talked about doing that.  We like that idea a lot, actually.

Q:  When are the new “Relic Forging” Relics coming?  (Note:  The Devs talked about adding these months ago, but nothing ever came of it.  They were supposed to be special “blank Relics”, only to be used for Forging - similar to Titan XP Relics).
A:  We’ll be talking about that next week.



The Devs mentioned that Anubis has new animations on the battlefield.  They said if you have him, take him out for an attack and check them out.

Matt mentioned a question was asked a few weeks ago about possibly changing the Relic Slot unlocks on Titans, making it so new Relic Slots Unlock at Levels 15/25/35/45/55 instead of 20/30/40/50/60.  He said he is going to bring it up with the Development Team.

The Devs mentioned they will probably share details about the next game version - v1.33 - during next week’s LiveStream, including changes to the Treasure Room.

Matt let something slip - I think accidentally - at the end of the Stream.  He was asked if any “Japanese Mystic” Titans would be added to the game.  In response, he said “yeah, the Divine Gems Altar will be updated soon to add Huntress and Oni”.  So it *SOUNDS LIKE* they will replace Chernobog and Belobog, rather than be new Titans available in Events.



TUESDAY:  There will be a Temple Event.  (No further details).

THURSDAY:  Next week’s Event will be one of the two that are shown on the June Calendar that was shared on DoT’s Twitter and Facebook earlier this month - so it will either be Dionysus, or a new Titan (which is speculated by many players to be an Omega Panther Summoning Infiltrator called Oakentaur - but that is *only a rumor*, for now).



YouTube:  Jeremiah Odebert

Facebook:  Sergei Persianov

(Note from SteelSpine:  I am sorry for any misspellings above - the Devs announce the names, but they don’t show them written out.  If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please contact the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize.  Congratulations!!)


If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).  

As of right now (June 2019), the easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game.  You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 39 one, as of June 2019).  

YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG.  The address is Feel free to copy the Recaps directly from my blog and share them to whoever you think would like to read them - but please remember to give credit.  :-)

Thanks for reading!  :-)



1 comment:

RECAP - September 28, 2020 (Zabava)

  ** SteelSpine’s RECAP for SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 ** XXXXX XXXXX Hey, all!    I’m sorry for my long absence...