** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for JULY 3, 2019 **
Haig (Live Ops Manager) and Dom (Game Artist) were on the LiveStream this week. Matt (the Game Designer) was absent again. According to Haig, Matt is back in the office but has a lot of work to do. (Note: Matt appeared in the chat during the Stream and said he was at Glastonbury - he was NOT fired).
This week’s Event is called TRICKERY. It will begin on FRIDAY, JULY 5 (around 3:30 pm BST) and run until MONDAY, JULY 8. It will be a CONQUEST Event.
(IMPORTANT NOTE regarding Conquest: If you are in the middle of an attack when the timer expires at the end of the Event, the points you acquire from that attack *WILL NOT COUNT* towards your total. If this happens at the last attack of a particular Level, you WILL NOT get the Rewards for that Level. Support will only offer you a few Gems if this happens, so PLEASE finish your attacks a few minutes before the Event ends!)
Titan Details:
This week’s Event features the return of LOKI, the Lightning Infiltrator. Loki’s Skills have not changed since the last time he was offered.
Slot 1: +20% Base Titan Damage, Critical, Health, Speed, Poison Resist
Slot 2: Titan Offensive Tier II Skill
Slot 3: Titan Offensive Tier II Skill
Slot 4: Titan Offensive Tier III Skill
Slot 5: Titan Offensive Tier III Skill
NEW Relics available in this Event:
4* Viking Helm
+50% Storm Maiden Damage
+30% Storm Maiden Armor Piercing
+12% Critical for All Troops
4* Storm Potion
+60% Titan Lightning Damage
+50% Storm Maiden Damage
+16% Storm Maiden Resist Against All Elements
Top Rewards available in this Event include:
Corrupted Land Level 7: 10 Warp Stones, 700 Gems, Warp Token, 4* Storm Rune
Level 8: 10 Warp Stones, Epic Token, Warp Token, 4* Viking Titan Token (see below)
Level 9: 10 Warp Stones, 150 Divine Gems, 1,800 Gems, 4* Loki’s Trinket, 4* Banner of the Storm
Level 10: 10 Warp Stones, 4* Viking Helm, 4* Storm Potion, 250 Divine Gems, LOKI
NOTE: The Viking Titan Token can be traded in at the Divine Altars for your choice of Arvan, Grimvald, Skallgrim, Solgar, or Thorhild. You’ll have 24 hours to redeem this Token before it disappears forever, so make sure you use it.
(See dotdatabase.net for full details on the above Relics and Titans).
Since this is Conquest, there are no Titans that offer Bonus Souls. During Conquest, there will be 3 guaranteed Battle Drops after every successful attack.
It is an INDIVIDUAL LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as a Solo War Event); prizes will be awarded to Players according to their Individual Ranking at the end of the Event.
Top Ranking Rewards in this Event:
1st Place: Level 50 Loki
2nd Place: L40 Loki
3rd Place: L30 Loki
Top 4-5: L25
Top 6-10: L20
11-50: L15
51-100: L10
101-250: Level 5 Loki
251-500: 4* Viking Titan Token
501-1000: 4* Orb of Duality
1001-2000: 4k Gems
Other Ranking Rewards (Gems) are available below 2000th Place.
Question (Q) from a Player: When is Kronos coming back?
Answer (A) from a Developer: “Keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook - there might be something to do with that Titan”.
Q: Why can’t Conquest start on Thursdays?
A: Haig: “Umm. Reasons. *chuckles*”. Conquest is a slightly shorter Event right now, but if enough people want us to change it to Thursday we could look into doing that in the future.
Q: We can’t complete the Pantheon because Drakor hasn’t been available for a long time.
A: We talked about that the other day, actually. Keep your eyes open - you might see him again soon.
Q: When is the next Event where we can use all of our old Event Relics?
A: Haig: “There will be one coming up. I don’t have an exact date for you. I’m sorry.”
Q: When will the July Event calendar be posted on social media?
A: Probably today.
Q: When will we see an increase to Relic Storage space?
A: Version 1.33 will have a lot of the work we’ve done for Relic Storage in it, but I can’t give you a date yet for when we will turn the changes on. It will depend on multiple things - how long the rollout takes, how many bugs we discover and need to fix, things like that. But it is coming.
Q: Can we get a sneak peek of the new 5* Relics that are coming?
A: We can’t right now, but we might be able to show them off next week or the week after that. Probably 2 weeks from now.
Q: Can we have a way to spend excess gold when we are maxed out (full)?
A: We have been looking into the gold and food currencies - looking at balances, how and when people spend their resources. It’s a conversation at the moment. But yeah, we’re always looking into things like that. (Note from SteelSpine: This is a total non-answer answer. There’s already a way to spend excess food/corn by refreshing Neutral Lands - but there is nothing to spend Gold on at Castle 25. Come on guys - how hard would it be to put a 2*-3* Titan XP Relic Altar in that costs 3 million gold per try, or something like that? Hope they do something soon).
Q: When will we get another Void Titan?
A: “uhhhhm. Soon”. “I hate saying soon, but there are other Void Titans coming. Don’t worry”. We are currently looking at the balancing for Void and the Horde unit - so you’ll probably see some balance changes coming before we get a new Void Titan. (The Devs also mentioned their Dev Diary on YouTube, which apparently references Void).
Q: Can we get a minefield Spell?
A: There used to be, a very long time ago, a hidden Mine “Trap” exploded and did damage - but it wasn’t very good at the time. But it’s a good idea - we are looking at new Spells. (Note from SteelSpine: Haig kind of turned his head and rubbed his nose in a cheeky way when he answered this - almost suggesting that something similar might be coming in the future? Just a guess on my part).
Q: Is there a fix coming for unresponsive touch screens on iOS devices?
A: I think we might have a fix coming for that in the next Version..
Q: Fix coming for Titans walking in circles?
A: We think we know what’s causing it, but it’s not currently a priority to fix because we’re working on other important things at the moment like Relic Storage. We will fix it eventually, but it’s a tricky fix.
Q: Bring back the Wild Arrows Relic!
A: Haig (in a sly sort of way): “Maybe. Maaaaaaaybe!” “We talked about it, that’s all I’ll say for now”. (Note: Sounds like there are plans to bring it back for an Event).
Q: Are the Divine Altar changes, including the new 5* Relics, coming with the new Version?
A: Yes, but they might not be turned on right away. Definitely soon after the release of v1.33, though.
Q: Can FireStryke burn trees?
A: No, there is a bug. We can fix that.
Q: Any update for Troop Storage for higher Levels?
A: Once we’re done increasing Relic Storage, we will probably move on to increasing Troop and Spell inventories.
Q: Look into making “Battle Setup Saves”, where we can save a few loadouts (Titans, Troops, Spells) and select them when starting an attack.
A: That’s a really good idea. We will look into that.
Q: How do you solve the problem of hackers appearing in the final minutes of a Season?
A: We have been working on some ways to combat that, which started last week - and we have other ideas for fixing the issue in the coming weeks.
The Devs mentioned the downtime that we all experienced last Friday, June 28th. They said the game was down for about three hours, and they found some issues that were different from the issues we experienced during the FireStryke Event. They assured us that the issues have been found and resolved, and it shouldn’t happen again. Haig apologized on behalf of the DoT team, but he did not mention any compensation for this particular crash.
The Devs said the newest version of DoT - v1.33 - has started to roll out to some Android players. Haig said they are doing a very slow rollout of this Version, so only about 10% of Players will see the new version in their Google Play Store right now. He said it will continue to slowly roll out to players over the next week or so. The Devs offered no other details about what will be in Version 1.33 - but they said they will fully discuss all of the changes and new features during next week’s LiveStream (July 10).
TUESDAY, JULY 9: There will be a THEATERS OF WAR Event. The Devs said it will be “Japan themed”. (Note from SteelSpine: Sounds like it has to do with the mysterious Huntress and Oni Titans that are currently blacked out in the Pantheon - but I could be wrong).
THURSDAY, JULY 11: There will be an Ice themed Leaderboard Event.
SOMETIME AROUND MONDAY, July 15 to WEDNESDAY, JULY 17): There will be a midweek “mini Event”, similar to the special Greek Relic Event from a couple of weeks ago. No further details on what this Event will include or exactly which day it will begin.
THURSDAY, JULY 18: The Devs teased that “someone is coming back”. That’s literally all they said about it, other than “maybe it’s Matt, maybe it’s a Titan. Who knows”. (Note from SteelSpine: This *SOUNDS LIKE* it might be a tease about Kronos finally returning - but it could be something completely different. I’m just making an educated guess based on how the Devs were acting).
YouTube: Uzin Kuhn
Facebook: Zee No
(Sorry for the misspellings!)
You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 40 one). Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions!
YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG at steelspinesdot.blogspot.com . Copy and share them to whoever you think would like to read them - but please remember to give credit. :-)
Thanks for reading! :-)
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