** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for JANUARY 29, 2020 **
SORRY FOR THE DELAY this week, everybody! I had two family issues to deal with beginning last Saturday, so I wasn’t able to devote any time to watching the Stream or typing up the Recap on Wednesday. Things are (kind of) back to (sort of) normal now, so next week’s Recap should be on time.
Haig (Live Ops Manager) and Dom (Game Artist) were our hosts for this week’s LiveStream.
This week’s Event is called MARK OF THE WOLF. It will begin on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 and run until MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3. It is a CONQUEST Event.
This week’s Event features the debut of SIV, the Lightning Ranger. SIV grants a (relatively minor, compared to other Spell Boosting Titans) boost to Lightning and Lightning Storm Spell Damage, and grants three free Lightning Storm Spells per battle. She also has a variety of Tier III, X Tier and Melee/Ranged Resist Skills, each of which boost the effectiveness of either Maidens or Imperials.
Slot 1: +40% Titan Damage, Storm Maiden Damage, All Lightning Spells Damage. +3 Lightning Storm Spells
Slot 2: +180% Storm Maiden Damage, +22% Storm Maiden Critical
Slot 3: +58% Imperial Health, +44% Imperial Armor
Slot 4: +88% Storm Maiden Armor Piercing, +40% Storm Maiden Ranged Resist
Slot 5: +117% Imperial Health, +40% Imperial Melee Resist
New Relics in this Event:
+50% Titan & Troop Lightning Damage
+18% Imperials Resist Against Ranged
+40% Storm Maiden Resist Against Void
(NOTE: Haig said the 4* Siv’s Wolf Hood “may be improved” before the Event begins on Friday).
+ Titan Armor Piercing
+ Storm Maiden Damage
+ Storm Maiden Ranged Resist
(NOTE: The 4* Storm Charms Relic is NOT new, but before this week it had only been in an early week Individual Relic Leaderboard Events on 11/11 of 2019).
Top Rewards in this Event include:
Corrupted Land Level 7: 4* Steadfast Stand
Level 8: 4* Storm Ring, Thorhild (4* Lightning Berserker Titan)
Level 9: 125 Divine Gems, Epic Token, 4* SIV’S WOLF HOOD
Level 10: 4* Storm Potion, 4* STORM CHARMS, SIV
(NOTE: The Devs did not show all of the Rewards on screen this week).
(See dotdatabase.net for full details on the above Relics).
It is an INDIVIDUAL LEADERBOARD EVENT. The Devs did NOT show the Ranking Rewards on screen, but they did say that the Top 501-1000 Individual Players will receive a Thorhild Titan; Top 1-500 will receive a Siv, with Rank 1 receiving a L50 Siv.
Question (Q) from a Player: Will the 4* Wild Arrows Relic come back any time soon?
Answer (A) from a Developer: We’ve been talking “behind the scenes” about bringing it back in an Event soon. No date set yet, but it will return.
Q: Is a Void Minotaur in the works?
A: Haig: “Maybe”. Dom: “Why would we not, though?”.
Q: Any updates on new Troops in 2020?
A: Dom: “Not in this stream”. Haig: “Not in this stream. Um. No, not yet - but who’s to say there’s not? I’m not ruling out new Troops in 2020, that’s for sure”.
Q: What’s up with this “Profile Sync Violation” issue?
A: It will be fixed in the next version (v1.37).
Q: How is Baba Yaga coming along?
A: She’s pretty much done. We’re play testing her new Skills in the office, and hoping to have her in the next release (Version 1.37). Her event will hopefully be sometime in February, but we’re trying to do something interesting and new with her so it may take an extra few weeks to get it right before we have her in an Event.
Q: More space for Relics, please!
A: We need to do a little bit of work in order to increase it a little bit more soon. I can’t promise anything yet, but we are looking into it.
Q: Can you fix Melee Troops not attacking the same target that the Titan is attacking?
A: (Note from SteelSpine: Haig launched into an explanation about how troops select their target. I’m pretty sure this question was regarding the fact that Titans kind of get in the way and prevent Troops from attacking whatever enemy the Titan is attacking, though. I really hope the Devs look into this at some point. It sucks having to move your Titan out of the way at the end of almost every battle). (ALSO: This was asked again in a different way later on in the Stream. Haig said there are a maximum number of individual Troops that can attack an enemy, so that is probably what’s happening with Battalion type Units).
Q: Please fix Lubu.
A: Haig: “Is it Lubu’s Armor? We discussed that last week. I think a fix will be coming for that. We just need to push that”.
Q: 5* Axes of War are broken. Are you guys going to fix this?
A: Dom: “What’s wrong with Axes of War?”. Haig: “Troop Damage not working.. uhhh.. yeah, I’ll write that down”. (Note: NICE JOB whoever got this question in this week! Nice to see the Devs finally getting word about this issue).
Q: When is Zeus coming back?
A: Sometime in March. (Note: Dom was joking when he said March 2, March 8, April 2, etc. Haig said it WILL be sometime in March, though).
Q: Can you change the 5* Dragonslayer Relic?
A: Haig: “I think Dragonslayer is still pretty good. You’ll have to be more specific about what you don’t like”. (Note from SteelSpine: HAHAHAHAHAH *buries head in hands*).
Q (same topic, later in the Stream): Dragonslayer buffs Guardian Titans. But Guardians are meant to buff Troops, so the Relic is counterproductive.
A: Haig: “I mean, I’ll take a look at it and see if it doesn’t really make sense”. (Note: This has been brought up before - but nothing ever comes of it. Hopefully this time will be different, since it was explained a bit better to the Devs).
Q: PLEASE REMOVE 3* Relics from the Divine Gems Altar.
A: Dom: “I’m sure Haig can take a look at it for you when he’s done with his battle”. (Note: Haig didn’t address this after his battle).
Q: All Elements need new Troops. Like, Fire needs Melee Troops and Poison needs Ranged.
A: Dom: “Interesting. I’m not against it. You know, never say never”.
Q: Why did you stop the Assault Events?
A: It will come back. We did a survey, made some changes, worked on balancing and rewards. Don’t worry, it will be back - along with another new Event type.
Q: Can you make Healing Spells?
A: Haig: “no comment”. (Note: This was addressed a long time ago - at that time, the Devs said it would be hard to implement because of the way Troop Battalions are set up).
Haig briefly mentioned again that there are some new 5* Relics coming in Version 1.37. He said they have “pretty weird Skills”.
This topic was (once again) discussed in this week’s Stream. It’s been quite a while since the Devs discussed it in depth, so I’m relating the Devs’ words here. (As always, anything in quotation marks is a word-for-word quote from a Dev).
Dom: “Banning.. We did some banning over the weekend”.
Haig: “I will talk about banning then. Okay, here we go. Here we go. So. There’s been lots of talk on Reddit, uh, chat on Discord, some YouTube videos. People discussing the ‘RSS Glitch’, as they call it. Um. I will just re-emphasize: WE DO NOT BAN PLAYERS FOR THE RSS GLITCH. If someone has been Banned, it’s because they’ve done something ‘naughty’. What we HAVE found, though, is that players who are utilizing the RSS Glitch, some of them are also hacking. Hacking Gems, things like that. So there you go. That’s why people get bans”.
Haig: “If you are worried and you sort of like accidentally have the RSS Glitch happen to your device, do not worry. If you’re REALLY concerned, do contact our Support and say look, this happened, and Support will not ban you for that. So, um, worry less”.
Haig: “It’s a fair point - it is kind of like an exploit in the game. We are aware of it, and we’ve been working for a while to kind of address it and fix it. Um, but yes - do not worry too much”.
MONDAY, 3 FEBRUARY: A 48 hour long RELIC BASED Leaderboard Event. The Devs went back and forth about whether to reveal what the main Relic prize would be, but in the end all they would say is that it was a “Charming” Relic. (Note from SteelSpine: If this hint was meant to mean it will be a “Charms” Relic, we have already seen the 4* Earth, Iron, Frost, Burnt and Poison Charms. I think the only one left would be a Void version - but this is just speculation by me).
WEDNESDAY, 5 FEBRUARY: A “PORTAL SURGE” Event (pretty sure this is the new “Discount on Portal Stones” Daily Event type).
THURSDAY, 6 FEBRUARY: Weekly Leaderboard Event begins. The Devs didn’t offer any new information regarding what we can expect, but in previous weeks they said it would be “a big time Event”.
MONDAY, 10 FEBRUARY: A KINGDOM RUSH Event (discount on Neutral Lands).
TUESDAY, 11 FEBRUARY: A TEMPLE TAKEOVER Event. Haig said there would be “some returning, I would say great Titans” in the Temple.
THURSDAY, 13 FEBRUARY: Weekly Leaderboard Event begins. The Devs said they have some pretty cool Valentines Day related stuff lined up for this weekend, including a new Titan. Haig mentioned that the Titan offered in this week’s Event will have a “new style Skill”, with “a cool new style Effect”.
TUESDAY, 18 FEBRUARY: A THEATERS OF WAR Event. This one will be Void Themed.
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Facebook: Carven James
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Thanks for reading! :-)
Thanks bro all the best for you
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