** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for DECEMBER 19, 2018 **
** NOTE: This is a “SUPER SIZED” edition of the Recap. Below you will find information for the next TWO WEEKS (three Events!), rather than the usual one-week preview. Dawn of Titans’ Developers have stated that there will not be another LiveStream until after the beginning of the new year, so the next edition of my Recap will probably be on January 3 or January 4. **
(REMINDER: I am posting all of my future Recaps on my blog at
https://steelspinesdot.blogspot.com . Feel free to copy my LiveStream Recaps directly from my blog and share them with anyone you think might want to read them. Thank you for reading!)
This week’s EVENT DETAILS:
This week’s Event is called FROST GIANT. It will feature the return of Jotunn.
This week’s Event will begin on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21 and run until MONDAY, DECEMBER 24. It will be a SOLO WAR / INDIVIDUAL EVENT, which means Event Ranking prizes will be determined according to your personal ranking at the end of the Event (NOT your Alliance Ranking).
Titan Details:
This week’s Event features Jotunn, the Ice Berserker. His Skills have been tweaked this time around: in Slot 1 he has a Unique Skill called “JOTUNN’S RAGE”, which boosts Titan + Troop Ice Resistance and Titan + Troop Earth Resistance. He will also have four guaranteed X Skills: Imperial Armor Piercing, Imperial Damage, Goliath Armor and Goliath Health.
Jotunn is available for 12k Souls.
New (or long missing) Relics available in this Event:
4* Winter Belt at 11k Souls.
+1 Freeze Spell
Titan Armor
Goliath Armor
4* Winter Gloves at 13k Souls.
+1 Freeze Spell
Titan Health
Imperial Health
4* Winter Boots at 15k Souls.
+1 Freeze Spell
Titan Health
Panther Health
4* Winter Cloak (available at 8k Souls)
(See dotdatabase.net for full details on the above Relics - the Devs didn’t show them on screen, but they were apparently offered last year).
Also available in this Event:
3* Winter Gloves at 6k Souls.
4* Winter Cloak at 8k Souls.
Epic Token at 9k Souls.
4* Titan XP Potion Relic at 10k Souls.
(See dotdatabase.net for full details on the above Relics).
1.2x Soul Bonus for using any 4* Berserker.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using any 3* Berserker.
It is a SOLO LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as an INDIVIDUAL LEADERBOARD Event); prizes will be awarded to all Players according to their Individual Ranking at the end of the Event.
Question (Q) from a Player: What exactly will a Titan X Skill look like?
Answer (A) from a Developer: We’d rather not answer that. Let’s let it be a surprise. You’ll find out on December 25th.
Q: Will we ever see 5* Titans in the game?
A: Maybe in the future, but not any time soon.
Q: Can we get increased XP Events (like last week’s +50% XP) more often in the future?
A: We are definitely looking into doing more things like that in the future. We have some ideas regarding Titan XP that we want to try to implement early next year. Stay tuned.
Q: Some players are already at Level 50. Will they get something extra when the new Player Level Rewards go into effect?
A: No, there won’t be an extra bonus for Players already at Level 50. But we are thinking about increasing the Level Cap and making more Levels above 50. Stay tuned after the new year for more info on that.
The Devs shared some truly awful Christmas Cracker jokes that featured Titan names. (Note from SteelSpine: I won’t repeat them here because they were absolutely freakin’ terrible, and I hope they never are spoken again. Haha).
The Devs have started to slowly roll out new Player Level Rewards. They said it is a “staged rollout”, so not all Players will receive them now - but they will be enabled for all Players eventually.
PREVIEW for the week of DECEMBER 24 through DECEMBER 30/31 (from SteelSpine’s Recap):
MONDAY, DECEMBER 24: A “Battle Frenzy” Event will begin. (Note: Battle Frenzy is the Event that features three guaranteed drops after each successful attack - usually called a “Triple Rewards Event” by the Players).
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25 (Christmas Day): The main Christmas Event will begin! Details below:
This year’s Christmas/Holiday Event is called WINTER’S CLAW. The Devs did NOT give many details about this Event or the Titan that will be featured - but they DID say this will be the first Titan ever released that has a SELF-BOOSTING X SKILL. He will also have a “Signature Skill” (a unique Skill, similar to Jotunn, Loki, Thor, Valkyrie, etc). (Note from SteelSpine: the only hint that the Devs gave regarding the self-boosting X Skill is that it will “boost one of the Titan’s base Stats”. Sounds like maybe it will give a large increase to Health, Damage, Armor or AP? I guess we’ll find out for sure on Christmas Day).
Winter’s Claw Event will begin on Tuesday, December 25 and end on Monday, December 31. (Note from SteelSpine: this will be a VERY long Event, which leads me to believe it will be a pretty high Soul count Event). We also know that this will be an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD EVENT.
The Devs said they think the Winter’s Claw Event might wind up having the most Rewards in a single Event that there has ever been, but they weren’t 100% sure about that stat.
According to the Devs, there will be a 1.4x Soul Bonus for using Morgar (she is a new 4* Ragnar Champion, currently available as a possible drop in the Temple as of December 19) and a 1.4x Soul Bonus for using Jotunn. (Note from SteelSpine: No further information at this time about other Soul Boosting Titans, but if I had to guess I would think either Berserkers or Ice Titans will grant a 1.2x boost).
PREVIEW for the week of DECEMBER 31 through JANUARY 3 (from SteelSpine’s Recap):
TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 (New Year’s Day): There will be a Fire-Themed “Relic Festival”. Not many details on what this will entail, but the Devs said there would be a discount (maybe 33%) on Relics in the Temple “lots of 4* Fire Relics available there”. It will last until Thursday, January 3.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 3: Another Alliance Leaderboard Event will begin. This one will be called “SCORCHED EARTH”. No further details about this one, unfortunately, other than that it will feature a New female Fire Titan “who looks cool and is covered in Armor”. (Not much help there, guys. Sorry. Haha).
YouTube: Ma Potgaita, Louis Azino, William Hicken
Facebook: Karl Debout, Phillip J Harris, Soliman Pala
(Note from SteelSpine: I am sorry for any misspellings above - the Devs announce the names, but they don’t show them written out. If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please contact the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize. Congratulations!!)
That’s it for this week’s LiveStream. If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).
Feel free to share the info from this Recap with anyone who might find it helpful. If you edit or cut out pieces to share, I’d appreciate it if you gave me credit. :-)
As of right now (December 2018), the easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game. You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 35 one, as of December 2018).
YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and past) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG. The address is https://steelspinesdot.blogspot.com . Feel free to copy the Recaps directly from my blog and share them to whoever you think would like to read them. :-)
** HAPPY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR, everybody! THANK YOU for reading my Recaps this year - and THANK YOU even more for all of the kind messages I’ve received. I’ve had so much fun typing up these posts each week (and having the opportunity to play alongside many of you), and I’m really looking forward to continuing my little contribution to the DoT Family in 2019. Every single one of you is awesome. **
Thanks again! :-)