Wednesday, September 18, 2019

LIVESTREAM RECAP - September 18, 2019 (Pick A Titan)

** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 **




This week’s Event will be called BLADE AND BULWARK.  It will begin on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 and run until MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, and is a “PICK YOUR TITAN” Event.  It will feature two Tokens that you can redeem at the Divine Shrine (where you normally spend Divine Gems).  

The first Token available - at 11,000 Souls - is the BULWARK TITAN TOKEN.  You can redeem the Bulwark Token at the Temple for your choice of either VALORN (who has five Spearmen Skills:  Health X, Armor X and three Elemental Resistance Tier II Skills) or VOLSTAN (who has the same Skills as Valorn, but they are for MILITIA instead of SPEARMEN).  

The second Token (available at 16,000 Souls) is the BLADE TITAN TOKEN.  You can redeem the Blade Token at the Temple for your choice of either ARTEMIS or POSEIDON.  (NOTE:  All of the Titans in this Event have the same Skills as last time they were offered - you can see their full skill sets at

ARTEMIS’ Skills:
Slot 1:  +1 Summon Omega Panther Spell, +40% Panthers Damage
Slot 2:  Panthers Defensive Tier II Skill
Slot 3:  +1 Summon Omega Panther Spell, +88% Panthers Armor Piercing
Slot 4:  Panthers Defensive X Skill
Slot 5:  +1 Summon Omega Panther Spell, +44% Panthers Critical

POSEIDON’s Skills:
Slot 1:  +1 Summon Omega Imperials Spell, +20% Titan Damage
Slot 2:  Storm Maiden Offensive Tier III Skill
Slot 3:  +2 Summon Omega Imperials Spell, +88% Omega Imperials Armor
Slot 4:  Storm Maiden Offensive Tier III Skill
Slot 5:  +2 Summon Omega Imperials Spell, +40% Imperials Health

New Relics available in this Event:  

+ Omega Imperials Resist Against Ranged
+ Imperials Damage
+ All Troop Armor

+ Omega Panthers Critical
+ Panthers Armor Piecing
+ Titan & Troops Resist Against Ranged

Top Rewards available in this Event will include:

7000 Souls:  4* Kopis
8000:  Epic Token
9000:  4* Valorn’s Helm
11k:  BULWARK TITAN TOKEN - Redeem for either VALORN or VOLSTAN.
12k:  4* Golden Fleece
13k:  150 Divine Gems
14k:  4* Nature’s Wrath
16k:  BLADE TITAN TOKEN - Redeem for either ARTEMIS or POSEIDON.
18k:  300 Divine Gems
19k:  4* HUNTER’S BOW

1.3x Soul Bonus for using ARTEMIS, POSEIDON, VALORN or VOLSTAN.
1.2x Soul Bonus for using 4* PHYSICAL Titans.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using 3* PHYSICAL Titans.

It will be an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD EVENT.  Top Ranking Rewards in this Event include:

1st Place:  Level 40 Artemis
2nd Place:  L30 Artemis
3rd Place:  L25 Artemis
Top 4-5:  L20 Artemis
Top 6-10:  L15 Artemis
11-50:  L5 Artemis
51-100:  Blade Titan Token
101-250:  4k Gems



Question (Q) from a Player:  Any update on an Elithen Guardian?  (There still isn’t one in the game).
Answer (A) from a Developer:  “That’s a great question”.  “We won’t say when - but it is happening”.

Q:  When is the next “use any Event Relic” Event?
A:  There is one coming up, but we can’t remember the exact date.

Q:  Any word on a Horde Summoner?
A:  Matt:  “Guys, a Horde Summoner will arrive at some point”.  Haig:  “It’s coming.  It’s coming”.  Matt:  “You’ll hear about it as it gets closer”.

Q:  Will there be an Earth Minotaur?
A:  Matt and Haig:  “Maybe”.  Dom:  “Of course there will be”.

Q:  More space for Relics?
A:  We’ll look at it again in the future.  Hopefully Forging 12 at a time will help (Note from SteelSpine: see Version 1.35 info below for details on this).

Q:  When will the next Assault Event take place?
A:  We have a few things we still want to change before we run Assault again, but right now it looks like it will happen in a few weeks.

Q:  Will there still be a new Titan in the next Conquest Event?
A:  Dom:  “I don’t think we are”.  Matt:  “I do”.  Haig:  “I think we do?  Maybe?  Can’t say”.  Matt:  “Who knows - maybe the Conquest is, uh, different, as well”.  (Note from SteelSpine:  This might be the least helpful answer in the history of this Stream.  Haha).

Q:  Can you leak some info for us, Matt?
A:  Let’s see.  One thing I can tell you I’m working on:  We MIGHT try doing an Alliance version of Conquest, where everyone’s scores in an Alliance are added up to determine the Ranking Reward (like a regular Alliance Leaderboard Event).  It might happen or it might not happen, though - we’ll have to see how it works.

Q:  Will you ever add a sixth Skill Slot to Titans?
A:  It’s already there, just sitting there.  We just don’t use it.  Never say never, though.


The Devs mentioned the downtime that players have experienced lately.  They said they had to shut the game down to perform “maintenance for much needed server upgrades”.  They said all players should receive another “Free Gift” when the Event begins this week, which will include an Event Relic Token (redeemable for an Event Boost Relic), two (bronze) Bonus Tokens, one (silver) Relic Token and 50 Portal Stones.  (Note that the Bonus and Relic Tokens are the same ones you receive from the Daily Calendar).

VERSION 1.34:  The Devs said the newest Version of the game has started slowly rolling out to some Android players, and will begin rolling out to iOS players soon (hopefully by the end of this week).  They gave a list of some of the changes we can expect from v1.34 - but they cautioned that most, if not all, of the changes will not be turned on until all Players have a chance to download the update.  Changes in v1.34 include:

New 4* “Economy Relics” added to Battle Drop pool.
New Relic inventory filtering option:  A to Z, or Z to A.
Neutral Lands will now be refreshed with Gold, rather than Food/Corn.
“Damage Against Titans” skills replaced with ‘Troop Damage’ skills.  (NOTE:  The Devs clarified that this will NOT be the Skill named “TROOP DAMAGE” - which grants Damage to ALL Troops in your loadout and is calculated differently from individual elemental Troop Damage.  It will instead be an “Imperials Ice Damage” Skill for Etalus, “Panthers Poison Damage” Skill for Basathi, etc etc).
Titan Levels will now display in the Season Rewards screen.
New versions of Conquest Level 1 and Level 2, which spawn Troops quicker and can be completed faster.
Warp Core Boost Relics (for Conquest Events) will be changed to have greater boosts for Troop stats (including any that are already in your inventory).
Two new Levels for the Assault Event.  One will be Ragnar themed, and one will be Mossmane themed.
-30% reduction in training times for all Troops.

NEW 5* RELICS in Version 1.34:

5* BOW OF THE GODS (Rangers Only - Stats shown are for Level 10)
+70% Titan Damage
+40% All Troop Resist Against All Elements
+40% All Troop Armor Piercing

5* TRICKSTER’S BLADES (Infiltrators Only, Stats shown are for Level 10)
+70% Titan Damage
+70% Titan Resist Against Melee
+85% Titan Resist Against Ranged

VERSION 1.35:  The Devs announced three improvements coming in the next version of the game (Version 1.35, NOT v1.34).  First, they said the “Titans walking in circles” Bug will finally be fixed.  Second - the Devs will add a button that you can tap to remove ALL Troops from a Land, without having to individually tap each unit.  And third: we will FINALLY be able to Forge away more than four Relics at a time.  When v1.35 rolls out, players will be able to Forge away TWELVE Relics at a time!  (Note from SteelSpine:  This is AWESOME.  Should make Forging much, much less tedious.  Props to the Devs for acting on this!).



MONDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER:  There will be a “KINGDOM RUSH” Event (discount on Neutral Land refreshes).

TUESDAY, 24 SEPTEMBER:  There will be an “ALTAR OF PLENTY” Event.  It will feature Void and Horde Relics.  Players will have a chance at obtaining Anubis, Calvarax, Void Ring, Bone Sword, Ragged Pauldrons, Golden Axe, Shadow Bow, Bone Marrow Belt, Orb Of Rancor, Banner Of Void, Cursed Vial, Golden Scales, Void Remnant, Sobek’s Sceptre and “some Event Relics, as well”.

THURSDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER:  There will be an EGYPTIAN GOD EVENT.  The only things we know about it with any certainty is that it will be an Alliance Leaderboard Event, and it will feature the Titan that is shown in the “Monthly Calendar” that the Devs share on Facebook and Twitter.

MONDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER:  There will be a TROOPCRAFT Event.

TUESDAY, 1 OCTOBER:  Some sort of a “RELIC MULTI SPIN ALTAR” Event.  The Devs said that the Elemental Grasp will be available in this Event.

FRIDAY, 4 OCTOBER:  There will be a CONQUEST EVENT.  (Note:  The Devs did not say why the schedule was changed or why Conquest was moved two weeks later than originally planned, but they apologized for the change and said it WILL take place on October 4th).



YouTube:  Avril Poir
Facebook:  George Grosue



Check out the official Dawn of Titans subreddit at 

Stop by DoT’s largest Discord Server at 

Visit for Relic Stats and Titan Skills

Someone from the SoulMari Alliance made a really cool calculator that you can use to estimate the cost of Events - check it out at   (Thank you to SU Hannibal for bringing this to my attention!)


In last week’s No-Stream Recap, I mentioned that players were able to use silver Relic Tokens in past “Altar of Plenty” Temple Events.  I could have sworn that was true during the one last November, but someone contacted me to let me know it was Titan Tokens (the kind you get from the Daily Calendar), NOT the more common Relic Tokens, which could be redeemed at the Altar of Plenty.  If that’s the case I apologize for misleading you all - my memory must not be what it once was.  Sorry, everyone!

You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine.  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions!

Thanks for reading!  :-)




  1. hey steelspine,

    imho the token that can be used in the altar of plenty was the epic token, not the more common titan token nor the silver token. i'm quite sure because the altar cost 5k/8k without token (plus i've been saving epic tokens ever since, don't tell me i bet on the wrong horse lol).

    anyway, we will see next week ;)

    keep up the great work!

    sieglinde - forsaken

  2. It will be simple titan token, not epic. Info 100%


RECAP - September 28, 2020 (Zabava)

  ** SteelSpine’s RECAP for SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 ** XXXXX XXXXX Hey, all!    I’m sorry for my long absence...