Wednesday, November 20, 2019

LIVESTREAM RECAP - November 20, 2019 (Aset)

** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for NOVEMBER 20, 2019 **



Haig (Live Ops Manager) and Dom (Game Artist) were our hosts for this week’s LiveStream.  Matt (Game Designer) was absent from the Stream; the Devs said he was working from home today.



This week’s Event will be called THE DIVINE MOTHER.  It will begin on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 and run until MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25.

Titan Details:

This week’s Event features the debut of ASET, the Void Ranger.  ASET has Skills that boost the effectiveness of Horde and Storm Maiden Troops, along with four free Raise Dead Spells and two Rage Spells.  (NOTE:  Unless something has changed recently, the +50% Troop Void Damage in Slot 1 *SHOULD* also be applied to Raise Dead Spell Skeletons, since they deal Void Damage.  The +30% Troop Void Resist should also apply to Raise Dead Skeletons, since anything that boosts “all troops” *SHOULD* also boost Skeletons).  (ALSO:  I originally said ASET has five free Raise Dead Spells - she actually has FOUR.  Thanks to TRANSFORMER for pointing out the error.  Sorry all!)

Slot 1:  +50% Titan and Troop Void Damage, +30% Titan and Troop Void Resist, +1 Raise Dead Spell
Slot 2:  +234% Horde Health, +176% Horde Armor, +1 Rage Spell
Slot 3:  +180% Storm Maiden Damage, +22% Storm Maiden Critical, +1 Raise Dead Spell
Slot 4:  +30% Horde All Elemental Resist, +40% Horde Melee Resist, +1 Rage Spell
Slot 5:  +88% Storm Maiden Armor Piercing, +88% Titan Armor Piercing, +2 Raise Dead Spells

NOTE:  The Devs said that ASET’s skills are all FIXED - but they made a point of saying “remember - all footage is subject to change”.  So we *may* see these Skills be adjusted before the Event goes live on Thursday.

ASET will be available for 18k Souls.

New Relics available in this Event:  

+50% Titan & Troop Void Damage
+30% Horde Armor Piercing
+40% Horde Health

+50% Titan & Troop Void Damage
+24% Storm Maiden Critical
+40% Horde Health

+18% Titan & Troop Armor Piercing
+16% Horde Resist Against All Elements
+50% Storm Maiden Damage

Top Rewards available in this Event will include:

7000 Souls:  4* Golden Axe
7500:  Epic Token
8000:  4* Banner of the Forest
10k:  100 Divine Gems
11k:  4* Titan’s Soul (XP Potion Relic)
12k:  Segunga (4* Poison Infiltrator Titan)
13k:  4* Cursed Vial
15k:  4* Deadly Pendant
18k:  ASET
19k:  350 Divine Gems

(See for full details on the above Relics).

1.4x Soul Bonus for using BRUMHILDA.
1.3x Soul Bonus for using RA or SOBEK.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using a 3* INFILTRATOR.

(NOTE:  The Event Relic this week is the “CURSED CANDLE”.  The Devs said it was new, but I am almost positive that was the Relic that was used for a recent Event - maybe Osiris?  In any case, if you have any left over in your inventory they should work this week).

It will be an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as an Alliance War Event); prizes will be awarded to all Players in an Alliance according to their Alliance Ranking at the end of the Event.

Top Ranking Rewards in this Event:

1st Place:  Level 40 Aset
2nd Place:  L30 Aset
3rd Place:  L20 Aset
Top 4-5:  L15 Aset
Top 6-10:  L10 Aset
11-50:  L5 Aset
51-100:  4* Void Rune
101-250:  4k Gems

Other Ranking Rewards (Gems) will be available below 250th Place.



Question (Q) from a Player:  Can you increase the XP gained from Forging away leveled Relics?  Level 10 still gives way too little XP.
Answer (A) from a Developer:  “umm.  I think Matt has been - I think we have some time in the near future where we’ll be looking at Titan XP.  So we’ll take that into consideration”.

Q:  Can you get rid of Spells and Troops in the battle drop pool?
A:  “uhm - Matt is looking into drops.  Hopefully he is watching and he’ll take that into account”.

Q:  Any news about Goliaths walking off the map?
A:  We are aware of it, and we’ve found a couple of issues - but we don’t think it will be fixed in Version 1.36.  Maybe in v1.37.

A:  That’s something that’s been “in our backlog of work for a long time”.  “Potentially, yeah, if there’s a big call for it.  We’ve got some other stuff we want to do first, but we will look at that”.

Q:  Will Baba Yaga (the “Design A Titan” winner) be introduced in January?
A:  Probably not in January.  Most likely in February.

Q:  Will we ever see any Mayan or Aztec Gods?
A:  Maybe.  Never say never.

Q:  Are we going to get presents on DoT’s Anniversary Day?
A:  Maybe!  It’s that time of year!  Remember what we did last year..  maybe we’ll do something similar.

Q:  Any news on improvements to Defense in battle?
A:  There has been a lot of talk about balancing the game lately.  There will be changes to maps, troops and defenses coming soon.  Matt spent a lot of time writing up a blog post about them in order to explain it all in detail.  He will explain the changes coming in Version 1.36 during next week’s Stream.

Q:  Any update on changes to the Eternal Shrine?
A:  No, sorry.  Haig:  “But maybe you’ll see something happen with the Eternal Shrine soon”.

Q:  Can you move the LiveStream to Mondays or Tuesdays, or at least post Event details earlier in the week?
A:  No, unfortunately Mondays or Tuesdays are busy around the office so Wednesday is the earliest we can do it.  (NOTE from SteelSpine:  Hey Devs - if you ever feel like contacting me, I’d be happy to write a blog post for you earlier in the week with Event Details.  I’m pretty good at it.  *brushes shoulder*).



The Devs mentioned some “issues having to do with data being delivered to certain devices” that happened on the evening of November 19.  They said these issues caused some people to have older Castle Quests become automatically completed or re-completed, while others had gem bundles offered to them that made no sense.  Haig said the issue should now be resolved, and it should not happen again.

Version 1.36 is “hopefully about three weeks away”.  Haig said that the Devs hope to share details during next week’s Stream, when Matt is back in the office.  The Devs said there is “a lot” in the new update.



TUESDAY, 26 NOVEMBER to WEDNESDAY, 27 NOVEMBER:  There will be a “Relic Event”.  (NOTE:  There was no further information given, and the mini Relic Leaderboard Events have been starting on MONDAYs recently, so I’m not entirely sure if this is an Individual Leaderboard Event or just a Temple Event.  It’s probably a Temple Event, perhaps even an Altar Of Plenty, since next week is Thanksgiving in the United States).

THURSDAY, 28 NOVEMBER:  Another Leaderboard Event begins.  The Devs said “someone is coming back.  A winter Titan from a previous year” - so it could be Jotunn or Krampus or someone like that.  Haig said whatever Titan it is will “maybe have new Skills”.

MONDAY, 2 DECEMBER:  The Holiday Season and Dawn of Titans Third Year Anniversary celebrations begin.  The Devs didn’t give much information for this week, but Haig did say that there would be “a pretty cool thing” that will be done with the Altars for the week of December 2nd-6th.

FRIDAY, 6 DECEMBER:  A CONQUEST EVENT begins.  (Haig seemed like he was starting to hint that this Conquest Event would also feature a Titan from a past wintertime Event, but Dom cut him off before he could say it outright).

(NOTE:  Haig also mentioned that there would be a special Anniversary themed Theaters of War and a Titans Unleashed Event, but I’m pretty sure he meant those would happen sometime in the month of December, NOT in the first week).

SOMETIME AROUND 9 DECEMBER:  There will be a “short Relic Event”.  (NOTE:  The Devs said it would be “based around a single Relic”, and will have an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD - which is something that I think we have not seen in any previous early-week “mini Events”).

The Devs also mentioned that this year’s Anniversary Event - which will take place after the “short Relic Event”, probably on DECEMBER 12 - will feature the return of an older Titan and be “pretty cool”.  (NOTE from SteelSpine:  Could this be the “Super Runa” Event that has been teased for almost a year now?  Stay tuned!).



YouTube:  Gabrielle Fernandez

Facebook:  Jim Kramer

(Note from SteelSpine:  I am sorry for any misspellings.  If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please DM the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize.  Congratulations!!)



Check out the official Dawn of Titans subreddit at 

Stop by DoT’s largest Discord Server at 


If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).  

The easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game.  You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 42 one, as of November).  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions!  (SORRY IN ADVANCE if it takes me a while to reply - I haven’t had much time for DoT the past week or two).

Without going into detail, I just want to give a shout-out to IAMREALITY for helping me out during a difficult time a couple of weeks ago.  I won’t forget it, brother.

YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG at   Copy and share them with whoever you think would like to read them - but please remember to give credit.

Thanks for reading!  :-)



1 comment:

  1. Ty for information. They said the 5* Dragonslayer would be replaced with the update. Will it change what we have? Do you know?


RECAP - September 28, 2020 (Zabava)

  ** SteelSpine’s RECAP for SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 ** XXXXX XXXXX Hey, all!    I’m sorry for my long absence...