** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for AUGUST 20, 2019 **
(UPDATED August 23, 2019)
Matt (Game Designer) and Dom (Game Artist) were our hosts for this week’s LiveStream. Haig (Live Ops Manager) was not on the Stream today.
This week’s Event will begin on FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 (around 3:00 pm BST) and run until TUESDAY, AUGUST 27. (NOTE: It begins and ends a day later than normal due to DoT’s offices being closed on Monday, August 26).
Titan Details:
This week’s Event features the return of CERBERUS, the Physical Berserker. CERBERUS has the unique ability to summon OMEGA ARCHERS to the battlefield. In addition to having the same Level, Skills and Stats as your regular Archers, summoned Omega Archers will also have an added +30% Critical, +50% Armor Piercing and +40% Movement Speed — but a -60% penalty to their Health. (In addition, all Relics and Skills that boost regular Archers also boost Omega Archers).
Slot 1: +1 Summon Omega Archers Spell, +40% Troop Damage, +40% Troop Health (NOTE: Sorry, I mistakenly said Damage and AP before - thanks to mpDOG from Ancient Gods for pointing out the mistake!)
Slot 2: Spearmen Defensive Tier II (Armor, Health OR One Elemental Resist)
Slot 3: +2 Summon Omega Archers Spells, +110% Archer Armor Piercing
Slot 4: Spearmen Defensive X Skill (Either Armor OR Health)
Slot 5: +2 Summon Omega Archers Spells, +225% Archers Damage
CERBERUS will be available for 16k Souls. (NOTE: Cerberus’ Skills are exactly the same as they were the last time he was in an Event, when he made his debut back on February 22nd. For reference, he cost 18k Souls at the time).
New Relics available in this Event:
4* STEADFAST SLING (edited 8/23; thanks to IAMREALITY for the Stats)
+50% Archers Damage
+20% Archers Critical
+30% Titan and Troop Physical Damage
+60% Titan Physical Damage
+30% All Troops Physical Damage
+16% All Troop Elemental Resist
+48% Omega Archer Armor Piercing
+30% Spearmen Armor
+30% All Troop Damage
Top Rewards available in this Event will include:
3* Xiphos at 4k Souls
150 Divine Gems at 6k
4* Ancient Crossbow at 7k
Epic Token at 8k
4* Laurel Wreath at 10k
SIEGFRIED (4* Physical Champion) at 11k
4* Tail Of Cerberus at 15k
4* Cerberus’ Chains at 17k
300 Divine Gems at 18k
4* TARGET PRACTICE at 19k Souls
(See dotdatabase.net for full details on the above Relics).
1.4x Soul Bonus for using POSEIDON or ATHENA.
1.2x Soul Bonus for using 4* Physical Titans.
1.1x Soul Bonus for using 3* Physical Titans.
NOTE: The Devs did NOT show what the Ranking Rewards would be for this Event. To be honest, I can’t 100% remember whether or not they confirmed that it would be an Alliance Leaderboard Event or not - I don’t remember them mentioning it at all - so don’t be too surprised if it’s an Individual Leaderboard instead.
Question (Q) from a Player: Why aren’t bugs your main focus, rather than introducing shiny new features?
Answer (A) from a Developer: We’re doing both, actually. We want to fix things, but we also don’t want the game to get stagnant.
Q: (Matt did not read this question - he just said “this question is asking about the amount of XP that pre-leveled Relics give”).
A: This has been brought up before. We are looking at increasing the amount of XP you gain from Forging leveled Relics.
Q: Will there be a Horde Summoning Titan?
A: “Well... there’s one of everything else”. “..you can read between the lines”.
Q: Please fix units walking off of the map during attacks.
A: We’re going to work on that, too - but we want to fix the Titans walking in circles first.
ASSAULT EVENT: Today (Tuesday, August 20) is the debut of ASSAULT. Assault is DoT’s newest Midweek Event mode, joining the ranks of other Midweek Events (such as Theaters of War and the recently introduced Midweek Relic Leaderboard Events). (NOTE: You can see all of the details and rules for this Event right now in the game, so I won’t bore you with all of that).
Making their debut in this Assault Event are the long-awaited Relic Shards. These “Relic Forging XP” Relics provide an extra boost to Forging XP when you Forge them into another Relic.
(NOTE from SteelSpine: I did the math on Relic Forging XP before the Stream began today. Unfortunately, the boost from these Relic Shards isn’t quite as big as we had wished. A regular 2* Relic grants 200 XP when forged away, while a Relic Shard gives 400. A regular 3* gives 1000 Forging Experience, while a 3* Relic Shard gives 2000. And a regular 4* Relic will give you 3000 Relic XP, whereas the new 4* Relic Shards will give you 5700 Relic XP when forged away. So they basically give twice as much Forging XP as a regular Relic - which is nice, but not even close to being the huge improvement to Relic Forging that we hoped for. Somebody mentioned during the Stream that the XP gained from these Shards is the same as the XP gained from Forging a Leveled Relic (L2 through L10) - but I did not check the math on that. I asked about the XP numbers - and why they are so low - in the LiveStream Chat, but unfortunately the Devs did not answer or address it at all. Hopefully the Devs will DRASTICALLY increase the XP, or make them very very common regular battle drops).
The Devs asked for feedback about the Assault Event, so if you feel strongly that the Relic Shards need to be improved (or if you have any other suggestions relating to Assault) please contact them on Facebook.
The Devs mentioned that the second round of voting for the “Design A Titan” competition is LIVE NOW. Check out DoT’s Facebook page to see the submissions and cast your vote!
TUESDAY, AUGUST 27: A “Construction Frenzy” Event will take place.
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28: There will be what the Devs called a “multi spin Relic Festival” at the Temple. (Note: Last week the Devs said it would be an “Altar Of Plenty” Event - I’m not sure if this has changed, or if they just called it something different this week).
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30: A CONQUEST Event will begin. This month’s CONQUEST will feature LADEGA, the 4* Poison Ranger. (NOTE: No info on Ladega’s Skills and whether or not they will be revamped).
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2: A “Kingdom Rush” Event (discount on Neutral Land refreshes).
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3: Another Temple Event.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5: Another Leaderboard Event begins.
YouTube: Motif Inside
Facebook: Abraham Rivera
Lastly, I’d like to take a moment to invite you all to two DoT communities that you may not be aware of.
Check out the DoT Subreddit at http://reddit.com/r/dawnoftitans/. This group used to be widely used, but it hasn’t been used much lately since most players use Line and Discord. Since every post is self-contained, Reddit is a really good (albeit very basic) place to have in-depth conversations regarding Titans, Relics, game mechanics and game strategy. You can join and use Reddit through your browser, or download one of the Reddit Apps (I personally use the Alien Blue App). I am told that the Developers used to browse this site to receive unfiltered feedback and to check out player ideas - who knows, maybe if we can grow it they’ll start checking it out again. Come join us!
There is an “unofficial” Dawn of Titans Discord Server, too. You can find it at https://discord.gg/6WTzzaW. Discord is a GREAT place to share pictures, get suggestions, talk about the game, meet new players, etc. The DoT Discord has separate channels for game chat, YouTube video links, new player tips, Alliance recruiting, non-game chat, and lots of other stuff. Download the Discord App and come check it out!
I’m not a moderator or affiliated with the DoT Discord or Subreddit, but I thought it was important to mention them this week. The closer we grow as a community, the easier it will be to get the Devs to listen to our opinions, thoughts and ideas. If you enjoy this game as much as I do, take a moment and sign up for both of the groups listed above. You can always drop out if you don’t like what you see - but you’ll never know if you don’t go. :-)
You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 40 one, as of August 2019). Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions!
YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG at steelspinesdot.blogspot.com . Copy and share them with whoever you think would like to read them - but please remember to give credit.
Thanks for reading! :-)
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