Wednesday, December 4, 2019

LIVESTREAM RECAP - December 4, 2019 (Krampus) (Conquest)

** SteelSpine’s LIVESTREAM RECAP for DECEMBER 4, 2019 **



Matt (Game Designer), Haig (Live Ops Manager) and Dom (Game Artist) were our hosts for this week’s LiveStream.



This week’s Event will begin on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 and run until MONDAY, DECEMBER 9.  It is a CONQUEST Event.

(IMPORTANT NOTE regarding Conquest Events:  If you are in the middle of an attack when the timer expires at the end of the Event, the points you acquire from that attack *WILL NOT COUNT* towards your total.  Support will only offer you a few Gems if this happens, so PLEASE finish your attacks a few minutes before the Event ends!)

Titan Details:

This week’s Event features the return of KRAMPUS, the Ice Champion.  (NOTE:  Krampus was last year’s Christmas Titan.  He made his debut in the “WINTER’S CLAW “ Event, and although he was weak when originally introduced he was the first Titan to ever have a self-boosting “Titan X Skill”).

KRAMPUS’ (new, Fixed) SKILLS:
Slot 1:  +50% Titan, Troop Ice Damage, Titan, Troop Critical.  +1 Freeze Spell
Slot 2:  +117% Titan Health, Imperial Health
Slot 3:  +40% Imperial Ranged Resist, Poison Resist.  +2 Freeze Spells
Slot 4:  +88% Titan Armor, Imperial Armor
Slot 5:  +30% Imperial Melee Resist, Physical Resist.  +2 Freeze Spells

(NOTE:  The Skills above are copied exactly as they were shown on-screen.  They were written a bit differently for this Titan, but I believe we can assume that Slot 1 grants +50% Titan and Troop Damage AND Critical, Slot 3 gives +40% Imperial Ranged Resist AND Poison Resist, etc).

KRAMPUS is available as a prize for completing Conquest Level 10.

New Relics available in this Event:  

+3 Freeze Spells
+Freeze Spell Duration
+Freeze Spell Radius

Top Rewards available in this Event include:

Corrupted Land Level 7:  10 Warp Stones, 700 Gems, 75 Divine Gems, Warp Token, 4* Ice Gauntlets
Level 8:  10 Warp Stones, 900 Gems, Warp Token, 4* Ice Helm, MATARUS (4* Ice Paladin)
Level 9:  10 Warp Stones, Epic Token, 125 Divine Gems, 1,800 Gems, 4* STAFF OF ICE
Level 10: 10 Warp Stones, 4* Snatcher’s Cage, 4* Chains of Winter, 225 Divine Gems, KRAMPUS

(See for full details on the above Relics).

Since this is Conquest, there are no Titans that offer Bonus Souls.

As always during Conquest, there will be 3 guaranteed Battle Drops after every successful attack.

It is an INDIVIDUAL LEADERBOARD EVENT (also known as a Solo War Event); prizes will be awarded to Players according to their Individual Ranking at the end of the Event.

Top Ranking Rewards in this Event:

1st Place:  Level 50 Krampus
2nd Place:  L40 Krampus
3rd Place:  L30 Krampus
Top 4-5:  L25 Krampus
Top 6-10:  L20 Krampus
11-50:  L15 Krampus
51-100:  L10 Krampus
101-250:  L5 Krampus
251-500:  L1 Krampus
501-1000:  L1 Matarus
1001-2000:  4k Gems

Other Ranking Rewards (Gems) are available below 2000th Place.



Question (Q) from a Player:  Can you increase the number of Titans we can fuse away, like you did for Relic forging?
Answer (A) from a Developer:  Probably not any time soon.  It’s going to take quite a bit of work, to be honest.  Maybe sometime next year.

Q:  Will the old 5* Relics have their stats changed automatically when v1.36 is released?
A:  Yes, the changes will be retroactive.

Q:  Can we get Relic inventory filters for Elements?
A:  That would be tough to do, since so many Relics have multiple Elements.  We have other big stuff planned, and doing this would mean we’d need to put other things on the back burner.

Q:  Can we get new daily Events, like a double Titan XP day?
A:  We’re going to be looking at creating new daily events soon.

Q:  How about a new update for the Daily Calendar?
A:  We need to do that soon, yeah.

Q:  Can we get a Relic that increases Troop Speed?
A:  No.  It just wouldn’t be a very good idea for the meta in general.

Q:  Will Bast return?
A:  Sometime next year, yes.

Q:  Please improve the Rewards for leveling up our Player Levels.
A:  We’re working on that.  We tried it at one point a while ago, but we think we have a better system lined up for Player Level Rewards now.

Q:  When is a new Element coming?
A:  As of right now, there is NO NEW ELEMENT CONFIRMED.  (Note from SteelSpine:  This is a departure from hints the Devs dropped a few months ago.  And it’s good news for the game, in my opinion.  The Devs did follow up on this question by saying that “this doesn’t mean we’re not going to do new Troops”).

Q:  When will the chat log be fixed?
A:  It should be fixed in Version 1.36.

Q:  What about a delete button in the Treasury Room?
A:  That is on the list of things we want to do.

Q:  Is “circle select” for Troops going to come back?
A:  “We really want to bring it back.  We thought it was going to be really easy to bring back, but I think someone might have deleted the code”.  “It’s another thing on the list”.

Q:  Any chance of unlocking the sixth Titan Skill?
A:  (Lots of joking around, followed by):  Matt:  “You know when we talk like this, there’s a small chance...”.  Haig:  “Keep tuning in, in the coming weeks maybe...”.



The Devs mentioned that since this is the first time they are trying a new format for Theaters of War, they would like feedback from the Players.  Please comment on Facebook and tell them what you liked, what you didn’t like, etc.

Last week, the Devs discussed the upcoming changes we’ll be seeing in Version 1.36.  It’s a pretty lengthy list, so I won’t repeat it here - but you can find all of the information in the November 27th version of the Recap (on my blog).  They said we should have more info regarding when v1.36 will be released during next week’s Stream (December 11).

Matt mentioned that he has finished the five new Assault Levels for Version 1.37, and he said he’d like to find time to make new PVP Maps for that update, as well.

Matt announced today that at the end of this year, he will be “going traveling for a significant amount of time”, which means he will “not be at this company until later on in 2020”.  He said he will be replaced by another member of the DoT team on the LiveStream, and he will appear on the Stream “every once in a while in some capacity”.



MONDAY, 9 DECEMBER:  There will be an “INDIVIDUAL Relic Leaderboard Event”.  This Event will feature 4* Kopis, 4* Spearhead, 4* Armored Boots, and a NEW RELIC, the 4* IRON CHARMS (+Titan Armor Piercing, +Archer Ranged Resist, +Militia and Spearmen Melee Resist), (NOTE:  The Devs previously this Event would have an ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD - which is something that I think we have not seen in any previous early-week “mini Events” - but apparently plans have changed and it will be an INDIVIDUAL Event, as usual).

THURSDAY, 12 DECEMBER:  DoT’s Third Anniversary Event begins.  (NOTE:  The Devs previously said that this Event will “feature the return of an older Titan” and be “pretty cool”.  The only other hint they dropped was that it will NOT be Pigsy, Almarand, Zeus or Lubu.  They also said “if you have kept up with the Lore over the past few years, there have been subtle hints”).

MONDAY, 16 DECEMBER:  The Winter version of the “Bone Dregs Quests” will begin.  Matt said it will run for three weeks.



Chris Aberdeen, Darren Poppem, Corsa Corsa, Burke Assisi, George Gathwaite, Christian Tabere.

(Note from SteelSpine:  I am sorry for any misspellings.  If your name is similar to one of the names above, and you entered the LiveStream contest, please PM or DM the Devs on DoT’s Facebook page to claim your prize.  Congratulations!!)



Check out the official Dawn of Titans subreddit at 

Stop by DoT’s largest Discord Server at 


If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).  

The easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game.  You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 41 one, as of October).  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions!

YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG at   Copy and share them with whoever you think would like to read them - but please remember to give credit.

Thanks for reading!  :-)




  1. You are always very helpful mate.. DOT Dev's sholud be grateful, you help alot since this game is played globally and alot of guys miss the live stream due to the time zone difference, also an excellent job summerising everything.

    Thanks & cheers.


RECAP - September 28, 2020 (Zabava)

  ** SteelSpine’s RECAP for SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 ** XXXXX XXXXX Hey, all!    I’m sorry for my long absence...