Thursday, June 11, 2020

RECAP - June 11, 2020 (Oni) (More Prestige Info)

** SteelSpine’s RECAP for JUNE 11, 2020 **



Happy Thursday, all!

I’m sorry this edition of the Recap is a bit late.  I’ve been pretty busy the past week, helping to support local BLM protests (as much as I’m capable of with my disability, anyway).

Since I’m writing this week’s Recap a couple of hours after the Event has begun, I’ve trimmed out all of the Ranking Rewards info (which is available in-game) and just included the detailed calendar, Titan Skill, New Relic, and Titan Prestige info - none of which can be found in-game (as usual).

Hope you’re all having a good week!  Stay safe.




This week’s Event is called “Divine Youkai”.  It began on THURSDAY, JUNE 11 and will run until MONDAY, JUNE 15.

Titan Details:

This week’s Event features ONI, the Physical Paladin.  ONI was previously only available as a possible reward from the 10k and 12k Divine Gem Altars.  This is his first time being featured in a Leaderboard Event.  (NOTE:  Oni has NOT been reskilled for this Event - his Skills are the same as they were when he was originally offered as a Divine Altar Titan.  I have also included his “Prestige Skill” below; more information regarding Prestige Skills can be found at the end of this Recap and on my blog).

Slot 1:  +40% Titan All Elemental Resist.  +360% Militia Damage.  +2 Summon Omega Militia Spells.
Slot 2:  +44% Titan Dual Resist:  Void and One Other Random Element.
Slot 3:  +117% Titan Health.  +110% Archer Armor Piercing.  +2 Summon Omega Archers Spells.
Slot 4:  +44% Titan Dual Resist:  Void and One Other Random Element.
Slot 5:  +88% Titan Armor.  +110% Spearmen Armor.  +2 Summon Omega Spearmen Spells.

PRESTIGE Skill (at Level 10):  +120% Base Titan Health.  On every Allied Troop death, cast Shield Spell on four Allied Troops (MAX 5).

New Relics available in this Event:  

+50% All Human Troop Damage
+40% Militia Health
+16% Spearmen All Elemental Resist

+60% All Human Omega Damage
+30% Titan and Troop Armor Piercing
+18% Titan All Elemental Resist



(NOTE:  I posted a bunch of info in a “Special Edition” of the Recap on my blog last week.  The info below is new - it was included in this week’s Official DoT Blog post).

Once a Titan reaches Level 60, its PRESTIGE Skill will be available for activation.  To unlock Level 1, you’ll need to “Enhance” your Titan using one 4* Titan of the SAME ELEMENT as “Prestige Food” (similar to how we use useless Relics as “Forging Food”, and useless Titans as “Fusion Food”).  A Titan’s PRESTIGE Skill *DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY UNLOCK* when you reach Level 60 - you MUST burn away a 4* Titan of the same Class to raise it to Prestige Level 1.

In order to further “Enhance” (or Level Up) your chosen Titan’s Prestige Skill, you will need to fill varying “Slots” per Level.  The number of “Slots” required to “Enhance” your Titan’s Prestige will depend on which type of “Prestige Skill” it is.  There are two different types of Prestige Skills:  Some Titans will have a UNIQUE Prestige Skill, while others will have a Prestige Skill based on their CLASS & ELEMENT combination.  Titans with a UNIQUE Prestige Skill will require EIGHTEEN Slots to be filled in order for their Prestige Skill to reach Level 10, whereas Titans with a CLASS & ELEMENT Prestige Skill will need to have FIFTEEN Slots filled to reach Level 10.

One 4* Titan of the SAME ELEMENT as your Prestige Titan will be required to fill each Slot.  When two or more Slots are required to Level Up your Titan’s Prestige, you can use a duplicate of that particular Titan to receive a “DUPLICATION BONUS” - which will count as TWO Slots instead of the usual ONE.  For example:  If your Prestige Titan is Helga, and you use another Helga to Level Up her prestige, you will fill TWO Slots instead of one.  Note that this ONLY WORKS for Prestige Levels that require two or more Slots to be filled; you will NOT get a Duplication Bonus if your current Prestige Level only requires one Slot to be filled.  (Note:  I’m trying to explain this a bit better than the Devs did on their blog, but I know this is confusing.  Sorry if I’m messing you guys up).

The following is a breakdown of how many Slots are required for each Level:

UNIQUE Prestige Skill Titans (18 Slots):
Level 1:  1 Slot
Level 2:  1 Slot
Level 3:  1 Slot
Level 4:  1 Slot
Level 5:  1 Slot
Level 6:  2 Slots
Level 7:  2 Slots
Level 8:  2 Slots
Level 9:  3 Slots
Level 10:  4 Slots

(NOTE:  The following Titans have UNIQUE Prestige Skills.  If a Titan is NOT on this list, it is my understanding that it will have a “CLASS & ELEMENT” Prestige Skill instead.  Future Titans - including reskilled Titans - May also receive a UNIQUE Prestige Skill, but for now this is the alphabetized list of Titans in the “UNIQUE” category:  Almarand, Anubis, Artemis, Aset, Astaroth, Athena, Baba Yaga, Bast, Belobog, Calvarax, Cerberus, Chernobog, Dionysus, Eros, Frigg, Frostaur, Hachiman, Hades, Hel, Huntress, Jinshu, Jotunn, Korthan, Koruptaur, Krampus, Kronos, Lifespark, Lithotaur, Loki, Lubu, Magmataur, Minotaur, Necrosa, Oakentaur, Odin, Oni, Osiris, Pigsy, Poseidon, Progenitor, Ra, Reaver, Runa (4*), Sobek, Stormtaur, Tengu, Thor, Totec, Uranus, Valkyrie, Wadjet, Wukong, and Zeus).

CLASS & ELEMENT Prestige Skill Titans (15 Slots):
Level 1:  1 Slot
Level 2:  1 Slot
Level 3:  1 Slot
Level 4:  1 Slot
Level 5:  1 Slot
Level 6:  1 Slot
Level 7:  2 Slots
Level 8:  2 Slots
Level 9:  2 Slots
Level 10:  3 Slots



MONDAY, 15 JUNE:  A KINGDOM RUSH Event (discount on Neutral Land refreshes).

MONDAY, 15 JUNE until THURSDAY, 18 JUNE:  A TEMPLE Event called “Altar of Everything” will take place.  No further details given.

THURSDAY, 18 JUNE:  Another ALLIANCE LEADERBOARD Event begins.  This one will be called “Kami of the Divine Wind”.  No other details were given - but we can probably assume that the Titan in this Event will be a Ranger Titan (based on the following Monday’s Ranger-themed Titan Fusion Event), in addition to possibly being a new Invoker Titan (but that’s just speculation on my part).  
(NOTE from SteelSpine:  It appears based on the “Unique Skilled Prestige Titan” list that this Titan will be named HACHIMAN.  According to Wikipedia, Hachiman is the ancient Shinto god - or KAMI - of war, divination, and culture. He is famously credited with sending the kamikaze  - or DIVINE WIND - which twice dispersed the invading fleets of Mongol ruler Kublai Khan in the 13th century CE.  Hachiman is also known as the god of ARCHERY - and this Event is likely to feature a Ranger Titan.  So the name fits the Event perfectly).

MONDAY, 22 JUNE until TUESDAY, 23 JUNE:  A TITANS UNLEASHED Event (also known as a TITAN FUSION EVENT).  This one will feature Rangers in the Temple, but as always ALL same-class to same-class Fusion will result in the same XP bonus.

MONDAY, 22 JUNE until WEDNESDAY, 24 JUNE:  A THEATERS OF WAR Event will take place.  No further information was given on the Official Blog, other than the word “Earth” (which means it more than likely features some Earth Relics and an Earth-damage Titan).

THURSDAY, 25 JUNE:  Another Leaderboard Event begins.  This one is called “TUSK & HIDE”.  (NOTE from SteelSpine:  No further information was given on the Official Blog, but we can assume from the name that this Event will probably feature Boar Titans, Minotaur Titans or a mix of both).

MONDAY, 29 JUNE until TUESDAY, 30 JUNE:  A SPELLCRAFT Event (discount on Spells and Spell Upgrades).


Check out the official Dawn of Titans subreddit at 

Stop by DoT’s largest Discord Server at 

The Event Calculators at are quite helpful - ESPECIALLY for “FTP” (Free To Play) Players.


If I made any mistakes or left out anything important, please let me know and I will issue a correction in next week’s Recap (and give you a shoutout for the help).  

The easiest way to contact me is by finding me in the game.  You can reach me in-game under the name SteelSpine (I am the Level 45 one, as of June).  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments or suggestions!  (NOTE:  I haven’t been playing much lately, so it may take me a while to reply.  Sorry in advance!)

YOU CAN FIND FUTURE (and PAST) EDITIONS OF MY RECAPS ON MY BLOG at   Copy and share them with whoever you think would like to read them - but please remember to give credit.

Thanks for reading!  :-)



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